I acknowledge that my vacation pay (Pay rate +4% vocational pay) is included in my Gross Pay, I also agree to have my vacation pay to be paid on every pay cheque against which I would take unpaid two weeks leave at the end of the year. If I wish to work during my unpaid leave period I will provide the permission to work from Ontario Ministry of Labour. I acknowledge that I will be eligible for Statutory Holiday pay only if I work on the working day before and after the Statutory Holiday. In case I miss either of these days I will provide a valid proof of absence to be eligible.


I agree to work more than 8 hours per day (To maximum of 13 hours per day) or more than 48 hours per week (To the maximum of 60 hours per week). I agree and acknowledge that I have received the latest fact sheet “access hours of work”, as published by the Ministry of Labor. I also agree to average my work hours weekly.


The above information I have provided is correct to the best of my knowledge and I understand that any misrepresentation may disqualify me from employment or may cause my dismissal and any disciplinary or legal action as the case applicable as well. I have read and agree to abide by enclosed terms and conditions, safety rules, Social Assistance, Unemployment insurance, labour laws and provisions.

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